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Benefits of using VoIP for Business

Benefits of VoIP for Your Business

Benefits of using VoIP for Business

The affordability and availability of Hosted PBX phone service have inspired many business owners to switch from conventional or analog phone systems to VoIP; which is a type of calling that uses broadband Internet for digital communications. Using the internet to make phone calls comes with a variety of benefits, and it’s even become popular with residential users in need of affordable and multi-functional phone service. Here are a few of the benefits you may experience when you choose VoIP for your business phone service.

Services are Cheaper than Conventional Calling

The number one benefit most people agree on regarding VoIP calling is the fact that it’s so much less expensive than using analog phones and lines. Not only is the basic service for VoIP calling much less expensive than a traditional phone line, but it’s also packed with features that you usually have to pay extra for with traditional line from the phone company.

For Example – Basic business phone service doesn’t come with voicemail. You have to pay extra for this common feature. With VoIP, you won’t see a long list of extra charges for basic, added services. You might not see any extra fees since VoIP providers like SpectrumVoIP give customers every feature available in every plan offered.

VoIP is Highly Portable

For many years, the average businessperson who was apt to be traveling or making visits across town frequently would need a mobile phone for travel and a landline for office calls. Some businesses have given up the landline completely in favor of smartphones, but VoIP has made it even easier to get calls wherever you need them.

As long as you’re near a broadband connection, you can log into the VoIP telephone system and get a dial tone. With VoIP portability, clients or customers don’t need to make multiple phone calls to reach someone at your business. They can dial one number, and they’ll reach you wherever you are – and you can answer from virtually anywhere, too.

Flexible and Convenient

When making the switch to Hosted PBX, at SpectrumVoIP we provide your office phone of choice. However, if you don’t want to upgrade your phones, it is possible to use traditional handsets as long as you have a converter that will allow your analog phones to use Internet-based calling.

It’s also possible to keep your current business phone number when switching to a VoIP phone service or get as many phone numbers as you need for your staff. VoIP service is often based on a per-user price, so you have a lot of flexibility in using just a single number for your business or using several numbers where each employee has his or her own line.

Service with Endless Features

Not only does VoIP allow you to enjoy a very flexible approach to setting up your business phone system, but there are several convenient features that have the potential to make your life much easier as far as efficiency is concerned. For example, you don’t have to worry about missing calls when you use a call-follow feature that will find you, so you can pick up the phone and not have to deal with voicemail and phone tag.

Additionally, VoIP makes it tremendously easy to set up video calling and conference calling. Gone are the days of using a complicated machine to dial everyone into the phone call. A user-friendly interface for conducting conference calls makes it much easier to get everyone on the call without a lot of hassle and accidental hang-ups.

Choose us for Your Business Phone Services

Are you ready for the convenience and affordability of VoIP phone service? We encourage you to get in touch with our broadband calling professionals. We make it easy to set up service with us. All you have to do is choose the phone you want to use for your service, and we make all the arrangements necessary to upgrade your team to the latest in VoIP phone technology.

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