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4 Tips for More Productive Remote Work

Just because Covid-19 has most of us working from home, that doesn’t mean that we can’t be productive and efficient when it comes to meeting our business goals. That’s right — it IS possible to succeed even when you’re far from the office, but we’ve got to get a few things in order to be our best. If you’re ready to get down to business, check out 4 tips for more productive remote work.

#1 Your Workspace is Critical

If you’re going to spend 5 days a week in your new remote workspace, you’ve got to make sure it’s conducive to some serious goal-crushing. Try to find a space that is removed from frequent distractions and, if possible, serves the sole purpose of being your new office.

In other words, your bed or your kitchen table are NOT the best options. Instead, find a nook, a small room, a corner space under a window that you can dedicate as your new office space. Once you’ve determined that this is your spot, remove anything that could steal your focus from your weekly goals.

#2 Communication is Key

The more you communicate with your team — both peer colleagues and leadership — the more successful you’ll be in reaching your goals. Without communication, forward progress stalls and misunderstandings abound. And since you’re not able to come together physically to discuss challenges and goals, you may feel a bit more disconnected than usual.

To combat this issue, set up weekly video meetings with your team. Go over your weekly goals and hash out ideas for meeting them. Be honest about the challenges you’re facing and get the team’s input on best practices for overcoming them. This frequent “face-to-face” communication will keep you on the same page and help you fight the feeling that you’re in this alone.

Not sure how to keep the connection alive? Check out how one of our latest features, StratusMEETING, can help you and your team stay on the same page. It’s an HD video conferencing solution designed with collaboration (from anywhere!) in mind.

#3 Your Schedule Keeps You Grounded

If you’re flying by the seat of your pants, you’ll feel like you’re working 24/7 but not getting anything done. This leads to frustration and a “I give up” attitude that will contradict any forward progress you may have made. Instead, set a daily schedule for yourself. Give yourself work hours — for example, 8-4 pm — and walk away when your workday is finished. Set up time blocks so that you can focus on pressing tasks, and allow for break time to refresh your mind. Resist the temptation to work through lunch.

By sticking to a strict schedule, you’ll feel grounded and productive, and you’ll find that reaching your weekly goals isn’t as far-fetched as you thought it was.

#4 Boost Morale with Celebrations

Decide to celebrate wins. Recognize your teammates when they accomplish something positive, even if it’s a small win. Dedicate some time at the end of the week to compliment someone on their hard work. Whether you’re leading a team or you’re a team member, you can “be the change” by spearheading these celebrations. Your team will thank you for it, and the boosted morale will ultimately boost productivity as well.

Setting Your Sights on Productivity

Use the aforementioned tips to find fulfillment, satisfaction, and productivity in your remote work. Things might be different when you’re working from home, but productivity is possible if you make a few critical changes to your space, your schedule, and your perspective.

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